
Although I am a candidate for mayor of the city of Beaumont, I am also a citizen. I am a citizen that has experienced every storm that has taken place in our city….including the unexpected disaster of Covid 19. In my line of business, I have seen the devastating impact this disease has had on families. I’ve heard the concerns of citizens as they wonder how they are going to make it. Covid 19 is affecting all of us. During the campaign and afterwards I will continue to dialogue with local and state officials regarding the safest, most efficient pathway to reducing the spread of Covid-19, in hopes of a total eradication. Our families, businesses, and community have suffered for nearly a year. We have remained resilient in the midst of all of the mandates and adjustments within our families, friendships, and workplaces by caring about our neighbor. I know that together we can implement a plan that works.

Flooding and Infrastructure-NOW

There is no doubt that the flooding concerns and infrastructure weigh heavily on the hearts and minds of the citizens of Beaumont. It weighs on me as well.
I have lost personal property, and have experienced flooding to my businesses just like many of you. So when citizens reached out asking me to take on the responsibility of mayor, I not only answered for them, but I answered for myself and my own family. Beaumont’s flooding challenge requires leadership that is ready to address it now. Hurricane season is right around the corner, and we must prepare beyond stocked goods. We must focus on the infrastructure. Even if your home was not flooded, you were still impacted. From helping friends and family who did flood, to inadequate access to your workplace and business, all of us are impacted by flooding in our city. I’ve seen first hand the fear that comes with the thought of losing everything. As I used my vehicles to jump in flood waters and help rescue citizens, although I didn’t know who they were, I recognized the fear and uncertainty in their eyes. This should not become our norm. Now is the time to address and act upon the flooding and infrastructure issue in Beaumont. A part of the reason citizens have asked me to run for Mayor of Beaumont is because while I was in the waters trying to save as many people as I could, I didn’t worry about what side of town they lived on, or what I could get in return from them. I just saw my neighbor in need, and used my resources to help them. I will take this same approach as Mayor of this great city. I am ready to work with experts skilled in infrastructure rehabilitation as well as current Civil Engineering students in order tackle the crucial issue of infrastructure. Effective communication and collaboration is key.